Thursday, April 7, 2011

Whole30 = Whole New McCamley's

About a year ago, Ryan calls me on his ride home from work. The conversation goes a little something like this:

Ry: So, I think I want to try a new diet called Paleo
Me: Called what?!?!?!
Ry: Paleo. It's where you only eat meat, fruits and vegetables. You leave out grains, sugars, dairy and most processed food.
Me: Wait, what?!?!?!
Ry: No pasta, bread, cheese, candy... stuff like that.
Me: That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

Months and months go by and I still think it is the worst idea known to man. Ry tried it a couple times but, it was pretty tough to do it by yourself and without a plan. Then, one random Saturday in November, I went to see Ry compete at "The Hopper". The Hopper is a Crossfit competition where you don't know what the workout is until right before the event. They literally pull the workout from a hopper... kinda like bingo.

Now, Ry has told me over and over again that I would LOVE Crossfit but, do I listen to him? No way! He is my husband! Why would I listen to him???

Watching Ry compete in that atmosphere was something I had missed for years. Since I quite swimming I have tried a few different activities/sports but nothing got me excited the way The Hopper did.

Right when we got home I signed up for the next foundation class so I could join Crossfit Annapolis. Needless to say, it was the best idea ever (and no, it wasn't Ry's idea at this point, it was mine!)

A few nights had gone by of the foundations class. We learned some new crazy stuff (at least for me) like how to deadlift, clean, do a PROPER squat and handstands. I learned some new terms like thruster, burpee, and F2I. Then, at the very end of class, that word came up again. PALEO!! The first night it came up, I slipped out of the gym quietly. The next night it came up again but, I listened a little bit longer. I still wasn't that impressed. I mean, I like sugar and cream in my coffee, thank you! Then the thrid night it came up some of the stuff they said made a little bit of sense. My mom did always make me eat my vegetables before I could leave the dinner table.

Then there was the one statement that changed everything. "Try it for 30 days. If you like it great, live your life that way. But, if you don't, go back to your old eating habits".

30 days wasn't forever. I can do that. Do you really have more energy? Do you really sleep better? Will I really feel THAT much better?

Ry and I talked about it for a few weeks but, it was at Christmas time. It's not really the best time to change your eating style. Who can say no to the Christmas shapped cookies, candy canes and hot chocolate (or, in our case, soda, Ben and Jerry's or candy bars)?

A few days after the new year we decided to try the whole "Paleo thing". We rented the movie Food Inc. (which we had heard from a few people that it was a "must watch"), bought our last soda, candy bar and pint of Ben and Jerry's and sat on the couch one Saturday night to watch it.

To make a long(er) story short, we did not finish our treats, we emptied out our pantry and refrigerator the next day and started the Whole30 challenge a day early. Ever since then, our life has been totally different and for the better!

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