I confess, I have been HORRIBLE at blogging the last two or three months however, I feel I have a good excuse. Or 111 of them. I just finished up my second season coaching a summer swim team, along with coaching my club swim team and teaching about 2387492983 swim lessons a week. Well, maybe not that many swim lessons but, a whole lot!!! It was an extremely busy summer but a very rewarding one!

"WCSC Seadogs"
One of the swimmers came up with this idea and it worked out really well!
A few weeks ago I had to make one of the hardest decisions ever... I quit coaching my club team. I have been talking about going back to school for a while but, with Ryan, my family and my friend's support I am really doing it! I am going to miss my kids more than they will ever know! Luckily, we are all BFF's on Facebook so we can keep in touch :)

Most of my group

I I just registered for two classes and I am really excited! I know what you are all thinking... NERD! But, I am ready to go back and learn. I am also excited to have a career, whether it is as a swim coach or as a mechanical engineer. So, the next year and a half or so will be pretty crazy but, it will definitely be worth it!
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