So, I am HORRIBLE at keeping up with the blog but, I am trying to change that. I guess after "stalking" a few of my friend's (old and new) blogs they have inspired me to start blogging again. The last blog I posted was in May and a lot has changed since then. The biggest change is that I am now a McCamley! Ry and I got married on June 18th in the Dominican Republic. It was absolutely gorgeous and the best wedding I have ever been to (yea yea, I am a little partial). Since then, we have gone back to our busy, every day schedule. I am asked all the time "so, how is married life?" and I give the same response every time. Honestly, nothing has really changed except my last name. Ry and I were very happy before we got married and we are just as happy now. Sure, I love getting mail now that says Melissa McCamley and I LOVE hearing other people reffer to Ryan as my husband but, we treat each other just as we did before the big day. I still get butterflies in my stomach when I think of the first time we kissed or when I think of our very unknown future together. All in all, we love each other so much and we both think we are the luckiest to have each other :)

Ok, enough mushy stuff. What is going on in our lives now? We are both back to work and enjoying one of my favorite months of the year. October is absolutely a beautiful month. The weather is perfect, the trees are breathtaking and Halloween is just around the corner! I have always enjoyed dressing up with Ryan but, this year will be a little different... I will be in London for Halloween. I have no idea what to expect. Do people in other countries dress up? I guess I will have to "google" it to make sure I am prepared.